| | In seasons | | Nosūtīt šo tekstu draugam Izdrukas versija
In winter,
When the entire world was white,
I sat down on the ground
And looked around.
There was nobody in the garden.
Only my little badger
Was running around me,
Barking on falling snow.
In spring,
I sat down on a small grass.
The entire world was green
And I was looking around.
There was nobody in the garden.
Only a little bird and I,
Who was singing for me,
About sun and beautiful world.
In summer,
When all was full of life,
I sat down in a sunny meadow,
But I felt very lonely.
There was nobody in the meadow.
Only a butterfly and I,
And all the nature around.
So now I felt happy.
In autumn,
I was sitting on a pile of leaves.
It was leaf-fall middle,
The world was full of colors.
There was nobody in the garden.
Only I and my little friends-
Badger, butterfly and bird.
Leaves were falling round our heads.
In winter,
When the entire world was white,
I sat down on the ground
And looked around...
22.03.2004 (19.11.2004) | | | Šajā dienā vēl autora darbi: | |
Ljurbenjaaks (viesis) (29.09.2024, 10:44)Davaj, Ckilla, raksti un nepilosofē te daudz! :))Chillite (23.06.2024, 10:17)man nenesas prāts uz jokiem, es kaut ko pašai tuvāku spēju uzrakstīt! ;) varbūt nākamajos jāņos paklausīšu Tavam padomam!bez smecera (21.06.2024, 14:11)Nu, tad rekomendēju sākt ar humoristiskajiem pantiņiem Līgo noskaņās - tie vienmēr ir lielā cieņā... Vispār, ja uz pēdējo gadu humoru paskatās, paveras traģiska aina - liela daļa cilvēku...
Mums katram ir senloloti sapņi, bet kad esmu ar tevi kopā, es jūtos it kā tos visus būtu piepildījis ...
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