| | Water drops in love | Autors - Suns
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Less of a poem
more of a story of...
Water drops in Love.
I'm comming to You.
You're blazing.
I'm giving You a rose.
It vapors sweet.
I'm givin' a kiss...
I'm melting in You.
I'm flowing with You.
Like an ice in a spring river.
I melt and stay inside.
Sun will vaporise us.
It will take us up into the clouds.
And then We both will fall.
Drop by drop.
We'll fall out of the sky.
On the leaves of the Earth
We'll raise from dew to fog.
Every sunny warm morning.
We'll let the wind pull Us along.
Cooling our selves in the forest shadows.
There in silence we'll cool off
One from another.
In stormy days and nights.
We'll billow and crash.
One to another.
Like crazy and wild.
We'll churn into white foam.
Ashore in sands we'll wait
For the yellow october leaves
Into them we'll fall asleep.
We'll fall into and freeze.
We'll freeze and melt again
In a sunny warm spring.
And flow and raise and fall again.
Over and over again
Even if we were in separete glasses of water.
We would moove together and whisper.
Even if in the oceans mixed.
We would moove together and sing.
I'm comming to You.
You are blazing.
I'm giving You a rose
It vapors sweet.
I Love You! (10.10.2019) | | |
Ljurbenjaaks (viesis) (29.09.2024, 10:44)Davaj, Ckilla, raksti un nepilosofē te daudz! :))Chillite (23.06.2024, 10:17)man nenesas prāts uz jokiem, es kaut ko pašai tuvāku spēju uzrakstīt! ;) varbūt nākamajos jāņos paklausīšu Tavam padomam!bez smecera (21.06.2024, 14:11)Nu, tad rekomendēju sākt ar humoristiskajiem pantiņiem Līgo noskaņās - tie vienmēr ir lielā cieņā... Vispār, ja uz pēdējo gadu humoru paskatās, paveras traģiska aina - liela daļa cilvēku...
Salavecis pieri kasa
Daavanas pa zemi lasa,
Taalaak pabraukt nevareeja,
Staltais briedis avareeja! ...
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