
Neizdotās grāmatas
Humors un satīra
Neklasificēta jaunrade Valters Bergs
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Autori | Silent Dragon jeb Jānis | Neklasificēta jaunrade |
I'm in this room, drunk
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I'm in this room, drunk.
Daydreaming, like a crazy punk.
Too much for me tonight,
The vine has turned out my lights.

I'm looking endlessly in the far
Is the shine on horizont a car?
Again my mind gets dark
All I have is just a spark.

A spark of the genius i was,
Before I finished my third glass.
The bottle in front of me is my lover,
Till I disapear in hangover.

But no, it cannot be!
Thease eyes, that I see.
They're so lonely and sad,
They're driving me mad!

I remember it now so clearly,
The atmosphere was so heavy,
When i left her, to go away
Oh, why couldn't I stay!

Two bottles later love had left my brain
That was the time I met her again.
Not a single word came ower my lips
As I started to kiss her, put my hands on her hips...

Ouch, I'm getting a headache
Feels like my head is going to break.
...she started to cry and run away from me,
But those eyes of her, I can still see...

I wasn't more than a beast
All my instincts released.
She was my prey
And now i have to pay...

The price for friendship is high
As I think of it, I begin to cry
She trusted me and I betrayed,
I didn't listen, as she prayed.

It's too late to feel sorry,
There's no time, I need to hurry.
Before the sun rises in the sky
Something must be done to end this nonsence
Don't cry for me...
Don't feel sorry...

Just take me out and burry...

Šajā dienā vēl autora darbi:
1.Pasaules puteņos sagriežas laiks
2.Atveriet savus logus
3.Viss pūkains un neparasts
4.Šodien nākotne tik tuvu
5.Šodien atkal saules ceļš zem kājām
Prozas, stāstu, rakstu u.c. novērtējums. Kopvērtējums - Vēl balsojumu nav.
Balso arī Tu!
Gramatika, sintakse - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Izteiksmes līdzekļi - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Doma, saturs - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- balsot ar vērtējumu zem 4 vai ar 10 var tikai, ierakstot "viedoklī" pamatojumu.
Lūdzu ievadiet kodu *
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Jaunrades čats
Ljurbenjaaks (viesis) (29.09.2024, 10:44)Davaj, Ckilla, raksti un nepilosofē te daudz! :))Chillite (23.06.2024, 10:17)man nenesas prāts uz jokiem, es kaut ko pašai tuvāku spēju uzrakstīt! ;) varbūt nākamajos jāņos paklausīšu Tavam padomam!bez smecera (21.06.2024, 14:11)Nu, tad rekomendēju sākt ar humoristiskajiem pantiņiem Līgo noskaņās - tie vienmēr ir lielā cieņā... Vispār, ja uz pēdējo gadu humoru paskatās, paveras traģiska aina - liela daļa cilvēku...


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