| | Winter Is Here Again | | Ievietojis: Aivis | Komentāri (10) Nosūtīt šo tekstu draugam Izdrukas versija
Look at me, please,
Look at the first snow, thawing out on my palm !
Fancy - winter with snow and frost will be here again,
Opaque flowers will bloom on my window-glass,though once in a year,-
I'll cut them with my eyes and bestow to the moment ...
We 'll make a snowman, play snowballs and think...
Make up a new tale of a snow-white mirracle...
I know you'll believe me, if only I promise
To pray my Angel for a little bit of snow
To cover the earth and the bare tree-tops...
I give you the promise - there will be the snow
And snowflakes waltzing outside our window
To make a pleasure for you and me;
The winter'll be here again and the snow will be falling,
When I start up with my tale
Of the milk ,white as snow...
I thank my Angel for the tiny little things -so white and delicate !
That make our hearts beat stronger and stronger
And live with the hope to see a new spring...
/Domātājs/ (29.01.2010) | | |
Ljurbenjaaks (viesis) (29.09.2024, 10:44)Davaj, Ckilla, raksti un nepilosofē te daudz! :))Chillite (23.06.2024, 10:17)man nenesas prāts uz jokiem, es kaut ko pašai tuvāku spēju uzrakstīt! ;) varbūt nākamajos jāņos paklausīšu Tavam padomam!bez smecera (21.06.2024, 14:11)Nu, tad rekomendēju sākt ar humoristiskajiem pantiņiem Līgo noskaņās - tie vienmēr ir lielā cieņā... Vispār, ja uz pēdējo gadu humoru paskatās, paveras traģiska aina - liela daļa cilvēku...
Mēness palīdz smaidīt,
Zvaigznes ciemos lūdz -
Jauno gadu gaidot
Prieka nedrīkst trūkt! ...
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